
Yo La Tengo on Fallon

Yo La Tengo was on Fallon last night. I posted about their new album, Fade, yesterday because it's excellent and only $5. They had two performances from the show: the first on the live show and the second after the show. Notice the drummer on the right in the first video from the live show. Pretty cool. I think that drum kit was used on Pet Sounds.

Bon Iver Plays "Perth" With The Roots on Fallon

Oh dear, this is good. Bon Iver plays "Perth" with The Roots. Gorgeous. For haters of the abuse of autotune (like me), this is how you take someone with a really good voice and use autotune to tweak the feel of a voice/song for the art of it, rather than to use it to make people think you are a better singer than you are. This is also how you take the already-awesome of a song and make it more awesome...play with The Roots. After watching, go buy Bon Iver, Bon Iver. I'm not sure how you can resist!

M83 On Fallon With "Midnight City"

M83 has one of my favorite albums of the year, Hurry Up We're Dreaming. Actually it's a double album. My iPod asks me for a little diversity and I'm reluctant, because I love this album and I love it loud. I think you will too.

If you aren't convinced, please watch them play Fallon with their great song "Midnight City." Turn up the volume. The lyrics are below the video if you want to follow along. Lyric of note, "The city is my church." What does this song teach us about the culture? 

"Midnight City" Lyrics

Waiting in the car
Waiting for a ride
At night the city grows
Look at the horizon glow

Waiting in the car
Waiting for a ride in the dark
Drinking in the lights
Following the neon signs

Waiting for a word
Looking at the milky skyline
The city is my church
It wraps me in its blinding twilight

Waiting in the car
Waiting for a ride in the dark