
N.D. Wilson on Dark Stories


N.D. Wilson, author of non-fiction like Death By Living ($3.99 for Kindle) and young adult fiction like the 100 Cupboards series (Kindle) and Ashtown Burials series (Kindle), has a great piece up at Christianity Today. In "The Dark-Tinted, Truth-Filled Reading List We Owe Our Kids" Wilson explains why kids need dark stories. This article is geared for parents making fiction decisions for kids, but it's just as helpful for anyone thinking about how to tell the truth through stories. Here are a couple of lines from an article rich with quotes...

"God's artistic choices should govern our own."

"Shelter your children. Yes. Absolutely. But use a picnic shelter, not a lightless bomb bunker, and not virtual reality goggles looping bubblegum clouds."

"Faithful artists should provide sabbaths, not escapes."

"To tell the truth about what it means to be heroic, we must spin a fiction full of danger."

I've left most of the best stuff for you to discover. Please go read the whole piece at CT.