TV & Film

The Big 5: Romantic Movies

SayAnythingYeah, that's right.  It's time to pour yourself and your significant other some Courvoisier and warm up in front of 120 minutes of pure romance...

What are your Big 5 romantic movies? 

It's ok.  I know some of you will mention cheesy stuff.  No worries.  Others will mention movies that don't seem all that romantic.  But this is YOUR Big 5, no one else's.  And sure, mention a romantic comedy if you like.  But just because there is a relationship in the movie doesn't make it romantic.  It should sweep her off her feet or shine a light on her Prince Charming.  It may find her in need of rescue!  It may find him fighting for her life!  Please, nothing steamy.  Let's leave that for after the movie (pre-married couples not included).

Lots-o-Links 5.14.08

Good to hang for a couple of hours with Darryl Dash of DashHouse last night.  He is in a city just north of me for a conference and decided to look me up, so we found some time for coffee.  Great guy.

Care to buy Scott Lamb's 6,000 book library

Jonathan Dodson isn't starting new ministries.

Learn how worship teams practice at Sojourn Church in Louisville, KY.  They use The Planning Center.

Scott Hodge describes The Orchard's critiquing culture.

Joe Thorn pointed me to this video: "From Russia With Hate."  Wow.  Awful.

JD Greear is describing the missions strategy of Summit Church: Part 1, Part 2.

Resurgence interviews Matt Chandler.

Important values for Christian artists as summarized by Justin Taylor.  The whole PDF.

Jeremy Pryor continues his explanation of The Story-Formed Life discipleship class...

Music Monday 4.28.08

In music news, Dr. Dog has a new album coming out in July.  I really like We All Belong, so I'm looking forward to Fate.  Hear some unreleased stuff at their MySpaceTegan and Sara have an iTunes live EP releasing tomorrow.  I'll be downloading it.

Matthew Smith, of Indelible Grace fame, loves him some Ryan Adams.  Here's the amazing "The Sun Also Sets"...

"Oh My God, Whatever, Etc"...

Of all the wonderful 80's music memories, how can I not mention this one...

When I was a kid "Hollywood" came to my hometown of Pontiac, Illinois and filmed a movie called Grandview, USA.  The director was Randall Kleiser (a film school friend of George Lucas and director of Grease) and it starred people like Jamie Lee Curtis, Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howell and John Cusack.  I know what you are saying.  "Wow!  That must be an awesome movie!"  Nope.  But I did find some clips online and thought you might like the music video dream sequence. 


I've been out-of-pocket for a couple of days, so here's a post with just a little bit of Music Monday, Lots-o-Links, and National Poetry Month.


A new video from Hot Chip.  Pretty cool...

One Pure Thought

In case you didn't know, here's the reason wearing red jock straps over your pants is SO popular now...


Driscoll loves the ESV Study Bible

John Piper: Preaching as Concept Creation, Not Just Contextualization

Founders gets a facelift.

I love this clip.  If you ever need to work on your business card envy, here's how.  (WARNING: A little colorful language.  This clip is for Mommies and Daddies only.)

NPM '08

Love this stuff from Borders Open Door Poetry.

Check out The Poetry Center of Chicago.

Lots-o-Links 3.27.08

Saw Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who! with the fam today.  Enjoyed it more than I thought I would.  Worth watching and discussing.  Jonathan Dodson weighs in.

Joe Thorn expands on "The Table, the Pulpit, and the Square."  Joe also summarizes Dever on evangelism.

Tom Schreiner, my NT prof from my SBTS days, has been interviewed.  Among other issues, he speaks about his new New Testament Theology.  It will have a prominent place on my shelf.

Monergism interviews Tim Keller.  Keller's next book is listed on Amazon: The Prodigal God.

Scott Hodge shares a bit he is learning from Made to Stick.

After reading an interview with Michael Perry in the April issue of The Writer, I'm intrigued. 

NT Wright says "Heaven is Not Our Home."

Exagorazo is talking about missional communities: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

Whiteboard Sessions: Early Bird

Whiteboard_letter_cropBen Arment sent me a Whiteboard box this week.  It included a nice quality Reston Town Center book, Rob Bell's Everything is Spiritual DVD (best use of a whiteboard), a 2 disc TED dvd set (if you haven't yet, go check out the TED website), Lashey and Joyner's wonderful Hymns CD, and a nice note on Whiteboard stationary.  Lot's of good stuff. 

The early bird registration for the cheapest rate, $99, ends on the 29th of February.  Sign up for the Whiteboard Sessions.

Lots-o-Links 2.13.08

I have two orders pending (Amazon and Westminster) for Tim Keller's The Reason for God.  I have a book and audio copy coming for me, and several copies to give away. Amazon's is on the way!

The WGA writer's strike is over.  I've been following the strike online and through some podcasts, and was hoping the writer's would get a fair shake.  It appears they are content, and now we can get back to watching some well-written new TV and movies.

Al Hsu has enjoyed Juno and reflects on the movie's suburban flair.

I recently rented The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, a documentary of one man's effort to beat the high score of Donkey Kong from a guy who you want to see lose it.  It's a very entertaining movie that I highly recommend.  Rent it and then tell me what you think.  Here's the trailer...

I met Jonathan Dodson, an Acts 29 church planter, at the Chicago boot camp.  Good guy.  Check out two recent articles he has online on Community and Missional Discipleship.

Pitchers and catchers reporting today for the Cubs.  Very good news.  I've briefly visited HoHoKam Stadium, where the Cubs have spring training, in Phoenix a few winters ago when on a golf trip with my dad and uncles.  My rabid-sports-nut-7-year-old, Elijah, reported as a pitcher last Sunday here in Woodstock.  They have a handful of pitcher's and catcher's training sessions at our local rec center.  He's shorter than most kids his age, but has an arm on him.  AND he is accurate.  I often have to encourage him to throw harder because he's afraid the kid across from him will not catch it and get hurt, or something.  And since I'm helping to coach his team this year, I'm considering trading him to another team for a case of Schlitz!

Some of you know I have an autistic son.  My wife enjoyed this video recently, so I thought it was worth sharing...


Dsc_004020080202Our family woke up before 6am this morning for the celebration of Groundhog Day.  It may not seem like a good reason to wake up early on a Saturday (and at 5:45 this morning it didn't feel like a good reason either), but we were all excited to enjoy the morning festivities together. 

Dsc_001420080202 The movie Groundhog Day, which was filmed in my city (Woodstock, IL), sparked Woodstock's own week of Groundhog Days.  Lots of stuff to do.  It all peaked today at 7:07am when hundreds of people gathered to see Woodstock Willie, "the prognosticator of prognosticators," reveal the news about our fate. 

Will it be a longer winter or an early spring?  For the answer we turn to a large rat who bases his infallible answer on, of all things, whether or not he sees his shadow.  Rather than telling you his answer I felt it was only right for you to experience the event for yourself.  Thanks to the McCoy "shakycam" (as well as a few photos) you can hear it straight from the rat's (Bill Murray's term, not mine) lips.  Here's how it went down.  If you want to hear what the other rat said (the slightly more historic one), go here.

Lots-o-Links 1.31.08

Doug Wilson on how friendship evangelism is really about your money and material possessions...

Friendship evangelism rests upon generosity, sacrifice, kindness,openness, hospitality, goodness, and open-handedness. That is to be the texture of your life, and non-believers are welcome to come along with you. In short, is your evangelism giving or taking? Are you a benefactor or a salesman?

Alex Chediak is working through a pre-publication copy of Tim Keller's new book, The Reason for God.  (Amazon)

Steve Ogne on mobilizing leaders (from GCA conference).

Whiteboard Sessions website is up.

Mike Cosper is Worship and Arts Pastor at Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, KY.  In 2006 Mike gave Acts 29 talks on "Missional Strategies for the Arts."  Both messages are here.

Mark Batterson - Four Dimensions of Courage.

Timmy Brister interviews Mark Dever on Richard Sibbs.

I've been looking forward to Son of Rambow for over a year now.  It's finally coming out in May.  Here's the trailer...

Music Monday 1.21.08

Juno_ver2_3If you haven't seen Juno, you should.  Start with the trailer.  Easily one of the best of 2007 for me.  Every actor in every role impressed me, especially Ellen Page who first showed up on my radar in Hard Candy.  My wife loved Juno too.  It's an hysterical and quirky movie that I will own on DVD when the time comes.  The Juno Soundtrack is just as quirky and makes this movie go from great to outstanding.  You know it from the opening credits.  This soundtrack was a must-own for me.  Delightful.

Andrew Bird has a new EP: Soldier on EP.  Seriously, is it even possible this EP won't be great?  Didn't think so.

I've really enjoyed Dr. Dog's latest album, We All Belong.  Here's "Alaska"...

Dr Dog Alaska

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I'm finally taking the plunge into Panda Bear (MySpace).  I haven't enjoyed Animal Collective, so this has taken some time.  But I like it so far.  Here's "Bros"...

"Bros" live...

"Comfy in Nautica"...

Cloverfield: My Take

Cloverfield_poster_2Folks are asking for my take on the movie, so here we go.  It will be brief and hopefully spoiler-free.  If you are worried about spoilers, as I have been for months, just go see it and experience it before reading more. 

I went early last night not knowing how many folks would be there.  I went alone because my best friend, Joe Thorn, didn't care to watch it with me.  I found a way to stay strong and go anyway.  By the time they opened the theater and let us in, the theater filled up to about half.  When the previews began it was almost completely full.  I might have been the oldest guy there.  Seriously.  I didn't see anyone who looked older than me or even my age. 

The Star Trek teaser was fun.  It's the originial Enterprise under construction with a brief Leonard Nemoy voice-over.  Looking forward to this one at the end of the year.

After watching Cloverfield I have to admit that the teasers and trailers gave me a very good taste for what the movie experience would be like.  It's all hand-held personal video documenting a few good friends experiencing the attack of some sort of monster on Manhattan.  They are working to escape, save friends, and so on.  There are moments of both terror and humor, but they also did a good job of keeping the atmosphere real.

I thought the filming and the CGI work was outstanding.   I'm no expert, but I bought it and was able to stay focused on story.  They also did a fine job of teasing you with a progressive revelation of what the monster looked like.  I was afraid they wouldn't show enough or satisfy my desire to see what it looked like.  But I was also afraid they would focus so much on seeing the monster that it would hurt the movie.  I thought it was pretty well balanced. 

The also do a very good job of not saying too much about the monster.  They work hard to avoid giving monster origins and such.  Leaving us in the dark on that stuff was a good move. 

I could say a lot more, but since I've already crossed the line of brevity I'll just add one last word.  Two days before seeing Cloverfield I checked Rotten Tomatoes and found it was getting mixed reviews.  That was disappointing since I already own the T-shirt.  But after seeing the movie I was very, very satisfied.  I've also noticed the reviews are getting much better.  I give it a big thumbs-up and encourage you to see it!  Seriously.  Go now.

Lots-o-Links 12.20.07

Lots-o-Links 12.2.07

Ben Arment announces the White Board Sessions.  Love the idea.

Vote your top albums of the year at NPR's All Song Considered.  My top 30 (or so) are on the way soon.

With The Golden Compass releasing soon, the Christian demon-recognition email-forwarding machine is fully active.  Everyone seems freaked at the murder of God in the Philip Pullman's books.  My question is, Is Philip Pullman killing the Christian God, or is Philip Pullman killing a false view of God?  I think it's the latter, and is probably a god we would want to kill too.  Jeffrey Overstreet at CT writes head along those lines with "Fear Not the Compass."  Oh, and check out Carl Trueman's post on the matter.

Ain't No Party Like a Holy Ghost Party - Shavey and Resurgence interviews Sam Storms.

What Leaders Can Learn from Rob Bell: I'm convinced that Bell is one of the most engaging and important communicators of our time.  Regardless of what you think about his message or his theology, I think he knows how to engage with listeners better than most.  You can still pull 5 clips from his Everything is Spiritual tour on iTunes, or on the Everything is Spiritual site, or...

New Mission to Suburbia Links
-Cutting Edge Summer 2007 on Suburbia - Vinyard Church Planting (HT: Kevin Cawley in all his awesomeness)
-Suburban Spirituality by David Goetz
-Patio Man and the Sprawl People by David Brooks
-Bobos in Paradise by David Brooks
-God of the Latte: Faith in the Suburbs by Lauren Winner (on Hsu's The Suburban Christian and Goetz's Death by Suburb)
-Seeking God in the Suburbs (printable) - interview of Hsu and Goetz
-Religion in the 'Burbs by Agnieszka Tennant


Lots-o-Links 11.15.07

Me and a certain pastor friend are going to see this tomorrow.  I'm pumped! 

-Bob Hyatt is good reading, as usual.  80-20 and the Organic Church Part 1 and Part 2
-Harry Potter as "Shared Text"
-Seth Godin's "Unleashing Your Ideavirus" (Part 1 and Part 2) was an excellent and thought-provoking read.  It's not very new (2000), but it was good.  More Godin here.
-I really dig this creative photography of kids.
-Must reading for those mashing the Thanksgiving potatoes.