This is the new and improved Reformissionary weblog. The original blog is found here.
I'm on a mission to seek the continual reforming work of God's Spirit in my life and church. The burning church building in the blog header is meant to express the need of the hour in our American established churches: we must change from monuments to movements if we are going to impact our culture as Jesus intends.
I'm seeking to follow the path of faithfulness that isn't about isolation from the world or getting comfortable with the world. I want to live like Jesus who had no trouble fitting in at parties where the world meets and talks and sings. I want to live like Jesus who had no trouble piercing the conscience of the people around Him with words of life.
Mark Driscoll said it well in his book The Radical Reformission...
"Reformission is not about abstention; it is about redemption. We must throw ourselves into the culture so that all that God made good is taken back and used in a way that glorifies him." (p 152)
That's my goal as a reformissional Jesus follower. I want to be close enough to those who don't know Jesus that they can see the natural outworking of the gospel in my life, and then invite them to know the King.