Random stuff...
My recommended audio clips from the Younger Leaders Summit.
Bob Reccord: clip
Chris Seay: clip 1, clip 2
Ed Stetzer: clip 1, clip 2
Jeff Harris: clip 1, clip 2
Check out this article in the North Carolina Biblical Recorder. I was interviewed along with Joe and Marty.
I saw Al and Mary Mohler on Sunday night walking back to their hotel. We greeted each other and Mary asked about our kids. My wife, Molly, and Mary had some good conversations while I was in seminary. Since then she has never failed to ask for updates on Molly and our kids, and that means a lot to us.
Ken Hemphill wears cowboy boots even on steep city streets. I'm going to send him some size 13 sneakers.
At the Younger Leaders Summit they gave everyone a DVD that included the video clips we saw at the summit as well as video interviews of various denominational agencies and seminaries. There was no clip of anyone from Southern Seminary, but one from every other seminary. I wonder if there is anything intentional there??? I'm going to email some folks and try to figure it out.
Wiley Drake is "Mr. Resolution" at the SBC. If a resolution is missing a semi-colon, he will amend it. He says more about Disney than Disney's CEO. He was nominated for 2nd VP of the convention and the almost 80 year old guy who nominated him said that if elected Wiley would offer far fewer motions and resolutions. Seriously funny and the crowd loved it. I know of at least one person who voted for Wiley simply because the 3 minute nomination was so funny (Hint: the guy who voted for him is hard to spot in a wooded area).
I didn't see any SBC evangelists wearing canary colored suits, but they were probably there.
I tried really hard to find Russ Moore (SBTS and Henry Institute) since I know he keeps up on my blog where I talk about things he's said good and bad. He disappeared.
-----Southern Baptists are famous for our lemurs. Near the Southeastern Seminary booth there was a gathered crowd for this little guy. Really neat.
I had a great discussion with an IMB worker who is already a writer about starting and sustaining a blog.
Lifeway's book store was boring except for the sale tables where you could buy really great stuff for $4-7. I bought several great books.
I miss my wife and four kiddos so much. Being away is painful, but coming home is sweet.