Southern Baptist Convention Blogger

For all of you who are interested in following bloggers who will be attending the upcoming SBC annual meeting in Nashville, I'm here for you.  So you should bookmark this site, Reformissionary, keep an eye on my Emerging SBC Leaders site which should offer many links, and I also expect Joe Thorn and Marty Duren to blog as well.  I'll let you know if I find others.

I hope to update as much of the convention that I can get myself to sit through.  I will definitely be saying much about the "Younger Leaders Summit" on Sunday June 19th, some on the boring regular meetings on the 21st and 22nd and (though I'm sure I will miss some votes), and whatever else I can take note of.  I will be taking plenty of pics, and maybe even doing some vlogging if Joe teaches me how.

UPDATE: The convention hall is supposed to have wifi for some real-time blogging.