Coppenger and Blue Like Jazz

Joe Thorn has a great response to Mark Coppenger's all too typical (and not all that thoughtful) take on Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz.

I have to say I am disappointed with the review. Not because it iscritical of BLJ, but because it seemed to superfically critique the book. It often boiled down to judging Miller’s motives, rather than engaging his ideas.

Look, I am less interested in defending Miller, and more interested in a real interaction with another’s words. Like with everyone I read Miller says things that I don’t like. But he also says some things that are true and very timely. Maybe there isn’t just a faddish love for the book; maybe there is also a faddish reaction against it.

If you have not read the book or heard the critque be sure to give each a try. Just be discerning with both.

Listen to Coppenger's talk.