Jon the Baptist

Jonthebaptist_cropA couple of weeks ago I was able to meet Jon, the Baptist.  Jon (Whitehead) and his wife Aryn (sorry it's a camera phone image) were planning to come to Chicagoland for his sister's graduation from Wheaton College, so he sent me an email hoping we might be able to meet up.  We knew it would be tight since we were leaving for Seattle that day, but it was well worth the time to grab a Caribou Coffee meeting on the way out.

Jon and Aryn are from Texas Kansas City, where Jon is a lawyer.  He had some good thoughts on the future of the SBC (let's just say that he recommends a lot of Ex-lax and throne time, the porcelain one...okay, not really...but that would have been wise...and funny).  And like me, Jon married way above his head. 

Head over to Jon's blog and check out his thoughts.  Good guy.