Public Schools & Jesus

Cool post from Tod Bolsinger about his kid starting a Christian group at his public school...

Last year as a seventh grader, my son Brooks read an article in Ignite Your Faith Magazine (putout by Christianity Today/Campus Life) about kids starting Christian groups on their campuses.  He came to me and said, "Dad, I think I want to do this."


But the principal reiterated the policies.  No student run clubs unless they are directly affiliated with the school.  We were disappointed.  But we kept praying. Beth and I met the principal at "Back to School Night" and thanked her for meeting with Brooks. She was gracious and very complimentary of our son.  And we kept praying.

The next week, the principal wrote me back to tell me that when she went over the policies again, she found out that while the kids couldn't use a classroom, they could use the library.  And she suggested that they use a section of the library that is often NOT used during lunch--the research area.

Brooks wrote her on email and secured permission. He started a weblog to tell other kids about it.

So today, at lunch, The Lighthouse will have their first meeting.  A bunch of middle school kids all meeting for the purpose of learning about Jesus, "the light of the world" (John 8:12) and how they, as followers of Jesus can  "let their good deeds shine out for all to see" (Matthew 6:16) and make their school a better place.

Give praise to the God who answers our prayers and ask him to bless these young leaders as they seek to live out their faith for him. 

Update after school on Friday:  I met my beaming son after school. 15 kids showed up, the librarian had even reserved the tables for them...he shared a scripture, they talked about the group and he led them in prayer to close.  It was a good day. 

We have homeschooled our kids until this year.  They are now in our local public schools.  So this really resonates with us.  (HT: Internet Monk Radio)