Tim Keller Speaks

Tim Keller is speaking at Christian Life Conference January 19-21. The conference is in Memphis, TN and free for all to attend. From the website...

Cruciformity will be the twelfth annual Christian Life Conference (CLC) hosted by Second Presbyterian Church. Think of the CLC as “continuing ed” for your spiritual life. Whether you’re a brand-new or a life-long Christian, there’s always more to learn about how to put faith into practice.

The CLC is also a great way for anyone to learn more about how Christ can impact your life. The conference is free and open to the public.

Check out the conference schedule, bring a friend and take advantage of this opportunity to find out what a life shaped by the cross is like.

UPDATE: The conference audio will be up soon afterwards.  Old conference audio is there now from  Walt Kaiser and D.A. Carson,