Lots-o-Links 12.28.07

Trevin Wax has done some excellent work on N.T. Wright.  Here's an interview with Wright, and a list of links to Trevin's 18 part review of John Piper's critique of Wright.

There's a new book coming out called Why We're Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be).  It seems from the sample chapter I read and blurbs on the back of the book that this book is going into the pile of folks who miss the point and encourage others to do the same.  I hope I'm wrong, but it looks like I'm not.  Look for yourself.

Satan fears small churches more than megachurches.

Looking forward to some new Schreiner: New Testament Theology.

M'Cheyne Bible reading plan with resources.  Don't forget the ESV online Bible reading plans with Scripture, including M'Cheyne.  The Crossway folks have also provided a way to read the Bible/devotions/reading plan on your mobile phone.  Great resource.