Who wants some free Green Day? You do? Well you should, and that makes today your lucky day. It appears Green Day has released six free tracks as Foxboro Hot Tubs. When you get to the site click on "Hear It!" and then click on "Download mp3s" and they will be yours. Enjoy!
Sidebar: I get emails about this regularly so I figured I would say it publicly. If I ever link free music here I do my best to make sure it's supposed to be free. The sites I find mp3s and "free" music on are sites that are reputable and who have permission. If you ever find I link to something that shouldn't be free, let me know. But I try to only give links to free stuff that the artists mean to be free as a way of introducing you to their music. Not all music blogs and sites take care in this area. Now, enjoy without guilt.
A nice live video of Andrew Bird's "A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left"...
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