Lots-o-Links 11.18.08

Quick Molly & Elijah Update: Molly has had a few really great days.  Better balance, more energy, more driving with less danger, etc.  Very excited.  Maybe finally catching up on sleep is doing something.  Elijah had a 102+ fever for 6 days, which included several hours at the hospital for IV fluids, but is back to his normal self.  So glad for that.

In 2 days the Catalyst One Day Conference hits Granger, Indiana.  If you are nearby you should go.  Should be great, and I believe registration is still open.  I'm actually still considering going, but haven't decided yet.

I've been dealing with male leadership in the home with some church members recently.  Here are some complementarian resources I've found helpful on this issue from The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood website...

    Fifty Crucial Questions (John Piper)
    Summaries of the Egalitarian and Complementarian Positions (Bruce Ware)
    We Need Some Leaders! (Bob Lepine)

Download Driscoll's Porn-Again Christian in full.

Desiring God's 2009 Pastor's Conference is on evangelism.

Tim Chester has provided a narrative statement of faith. (HT)

Resurgence; Six ways to engage culture.