A couple of months ago Ben Arment of Catalyst asked me an about a dozen other folks to meet at The Orchard in Aurora for a creative meeting to discuss his plans for a conference in Chicago (Aurora's beautiful Paramount Theater) simply called Story. You need to check out the Story website. Pretty cool.

I don't want to say any more than the website says, but I'm pretty pumped about this conference. Not only are there some great speakers for a conference like this, but the plans for how the conference will be put together and experienced are something to look forward to. Plus, guys like Chris Seay and Don Miller will be there. Here are the details...
STORY is a first-of-its-kind experience for communicators of the Gospel- the greatest story ever told. It will be held on Wednesday, October
28 at the Paramount Theater in Aurora, Illinois. Speakers include
Donald Miller, Nancy Beach, Dave Gibbons, Ed Young, Stacy Spencer,
Chris Seay and Mike Foster. A day of workshops will follow on October
29 at nearby Orchard Valley Community Church, featuring illustrators,
designers, scholars, authors and communications experts. Register for
the conference and enter to win 2 free trips to the Kilns - CS Lewis'
home in Oxford, England - at www.StoryChicago.com.
As a communicator of the gospel, I'm looking forward to Story.