Good & Cheap Books


David Murray of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary & the blog Head, Heart, Hand has listed Joe Thorn's book, Note To Self, as his #1 book of the year. If you don't have it, get Note To Self.

I’ve never been impacted so much by such a small book. Came at just the right time in my life. It’s a primer on “preaching to yourself,” which in Joe Thorn’s hands is a kind of meditation with muscles. Short, punchy, meaty, heart-searching, and encouraging chapters that make an ideal warm-up for daily Bible reading – at least that’s how I used it. I’ve also found it a great book for mentoring others. With this book, Joe Thorn became my favorite modern Puritan! Hope that doesn’t harm your ministry, Joe!

Cheap Kindle books (several from Shepherd Press)...