One of the best experiences of my Christian life was Soma School. I've talked about it before. Jeff Vanderstelt has become someone I trust at a high level as a teacher. After spending time with him at Soma School he also became someone I deeply trust as a disciple of Jesus, a man, a pastor, a husband, and a father. If he had 50 books on Amazon, those would be the next 50 I'd buy. If I was forced to pack up today and choose another church to belong to for the rest of my life, Soma (Tacoma, WA) is in my top two. They aren't perfect. Far from it. But I've rarely been around a group of people that made me want to follow Jesus in everyday life, to know His Word, and to follow His Holy Spirit.
I say all that to say that Soma has now put Soma School teaching videos online. 1. Go to Soma School. Seriously. Highly recommend it. 2. In the mean time, watch these videos. The videos can't replace actually going and being immersed in the life of Soma. But they are a great start. I've put them all in this post for you to watch. If you need a short introduction to Soma, check out the last video extra. It's not a part of this video series, but it a helpful starting place to understand Soma.
1. What Is The Church -- Gospel Foundation
2. What Is The Church? -- Gospel Identity Pt 1
3. What Is The Church? -- Gospel Identity Pt 2
4. What Is The Church? -- Gospel Rhythms Pt 1
5. What Is The Church? -- Gospel Rhythms Pt 2
6. Building A Missional Community Pt 1
7. Building A Missional Community Pt 2
Extra: What Does A Missional Community Look Like?