
Who Cares About Creationists? They Don't Know Anything

Another attempt at mass internet evangelism toward atheism via CNN & Richard Dawkins. We need to be's game on with this stuff. We need to beware not to react as mere culture warriors, but have answers for the hope that's within us. If you missed the Bill Nye video, it's worth checking out too.

Fresh Air: Maurice Sendak is Happy/Sad


Terry Gross of NPR's Fresh Air interviews 83 year old, award winning author Maurice Sendak. You know him as the author of Where the Wild Things Are. He has a new book coming out, which is the point of the interview. But it turns into a talk with an author reminiscing about a life of art, being homosexual, therapy, losing loved ones, and ending life as an atheist in love with the world and feeling it slip through his fingers. Well worth a listen.

"I'm a happy old man, but I will cry my way all the way to the grave."

Frank Turner | "I Still Believe"

Frank Turner's new album, England Keep My Bones, is getting a lot of play on my iPod. I posted his atheist hymn of sorts, "Glory Hallelujah," last week. Here's the video for "I Still Believe." Frank writes some interesting songs worth hearing. Plus, it's just great music. Check out a few snips of lyrics...

Now who'da thought / that after all / something as simple as rock'n'roll would save us all

And I still believe / in the need / for guitars and drums and desperate poetry

And I still believe / that everyone / can find a song for every time they've lost and every time they've won / So just remember folks we're not just saving lives, we're saving souls, and we're having fun