bruce springsteen

New Albums Released Today | 3.6.12

Here are some albums released today that I think are worth checking out. If you aren't familiar with Andrew Bird, start there. Dude.

Music Monday 11.8.10

Ipod guy It's a glorious Music Monday at Reformissionary. Let me throw some gems at you.

I highly recommend Derek Webb's new album, Feedback. It "an instrumental electronic album based on the Lord's Prayer." I think you'll like it. It's creative & beautiful.

A discovery from the last couple of months has been Dark Dark Dark. I first heard of them via Daytrotter's free download from last month (also grab September 2009 & March 2009 sessions). Their newest album, Wild Go, is great. I'll soon be downloading all their stuff because of songs I've found from previous albums (Bright Bright Bright | The Snow Magic) like "Wild Goose Chase." Enjoy...