
$5 Friday - Ligonier Deals

6a00d83451e0d569e200e54f9e17928834-800wiFor 24 hours there are a number of $5 Friday deals at Ligonier...

Books: The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards by Steven J. Lawson | Believing God by RC Sproul

RC Sproul Teaching Series: The Holiness of GodBuilding a Christian Conscience Pleasing GodThe Intimate Marriage

Music: Songs from the Prayer Closet by Larry Hall (gentle piano music worthy of times of prayer, study & meditation)

Go get em!

Ligonier $50 Giveaway


Want $50 of resources from Ligonier Ministries? Here's your chance.

Ligonier is led by R.C. Sproul and produces solid resources for thinking Christians. I've benefited greatly from books like The Holiness of God (I've also enjoyed the audio of The Holiness of God teaching series more than once), the audio for The Consequences of Ideas, and the great Reformation Study Bible (ESV). I want folks to check out these and other resources at Ligonier's website.

So I'm giving my readers a chance for $50 worth of resources at Ligonier. Here's how you enter...

STEP 1: Copy & share the following without the quote marks on Twitter (if you aren't on Twitter, use Facebook): "Win $50 for the @Ligonier Ministries Store. RT this & comment at Reformissionary to win: "

STEP 2: Leave a comment below (so I can verify you did step 1). Include your full name and real email address (kept private) so I can contact the winners. For fun, also add to your comment the percent chance that the Bears will win the Super Bowl. I'll say 70%. :)

Wednesday (15th) in the late afternoon/early evening I'll be choosing and contacting a winner. 

Merry Christmas!