
Pastors: What Should We Do About Fear?

9781433535826mPaul David Tripp in Dangerous Calling (Kindle version), which may be the best book of 2012 (certainly the most important book of 2012 for me and my wife), writes in chapter 9, "There are times when fear causes all of us to do things we should not do or keeps us from doing what we have been called to do. So it is vital to ask, What in the world should we do about fear? Let me suggest four things." I'll give you the list, but go read the book for Tripp's explanation of each...

  1. Humbly own your fears
  2. Confess those places where fear has produced bad decisions and wrong responses
  3. Pay attention to your meditation
  4. Preach the Gospel to yourself

Choosing What To Meditate On


From Paul David Tripp's excellent book, Dangerous Calling (or Kindle)...

For many people in ministry, waiting becomes a chronicle of ever-weakening faith because meditating on the circumstances will leave you in awe of the circumstances. They will appear to grow larger, you will feel smaller, and your vision of God will be clouded. But if you meditate on the Lord, you will be in greater awe of his presence, power, faithfulness, and grace. The situation will seem smaller, and you will live with greater confidence even though nothing has changed.

Pick up a copy of Dangerous Calling for 48% off at WTS.