Here's a list of books I own on revival that I'll be using in one way or another for my current sermon series Revival: Longing for a Surprising Work of God.
I tried to list them in the order of how much I expect to use (or depend on) each one for this series. I'm referencing a number of other things as well (articles, audio, websites) but this list is for books alone.
UPDATE 2.8.11: I added some new books at the bottom, and a few comments in parentheses where I have something to say, so far.
- Revival | Martyn Lloyd-Jones (classic)
- A God-Sized Vision | Collin Hansen & John Woodbridge (so good, fun read)
- Revival Year Sermons | C.H. Spurgeon (great, moving)
- Lectures on Revival | WB Sprague (helpful)
- The Power of Prayer: The New York Revival of 1858 | Samuel Prime
- The Works of Jonathan Edwards (2 Vols)
- The Puritans: Their Origins & Successors | D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
- Puritan Papers (first 3 vols) | J.I. Packer & M. Lloyd Jones
- Revival & Revivalism | Iain Murray
- Pentecost Today? | Iain Murray (really helpful & corrective on revival mistakes)
- Preparing Your Church for Revival | TM Moore
- Praying for Revival | Eric Hayden (just ok, like a Bible devotional on revival)
- Thoughts on Religious Experience | Archibald Alexander
- Salvation In Full Color | Richard Owen Roberts
- Repentance | Richard Owen Roberts
- Give Him No Rest | Erroll Hulse (lots of great stuff, inspiring truths, quotes)
- Jonathan Edwards: A Life | George Marsden
- A God Entranced Vision of All Things | John Piper & Justin Taylor
- Jonathan Edwards | Stephen J. Nichols
- Revival Praying & Revival God's Way | Leonard Ravenhill
- Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire | Jim Cymbala
- Come Down, Lord! | Roger Ellsworth (I finally located it today!)
Additions as of 1/20/2011...
- The Puritan Hope: Revival & the Interpretation of Prophecy | Iain Murray
- The Revived Puritan: The Spirituality of George Whitefield | Ed. Michael Haykin
Additions as of 2/8/2011...
- Revival | Brian Edwards (highly recommended by others, amazing so far, fav so far)
- Lectures on Revival. By Ministers of the Church of Scotland | Richard Owen Roberts, ed
- Scotland Saw His Glory | Richard Owen Roberts
- The Turn of the Tide | W. Vernon Higham
I'd love to hear your suggestions for other books on revivals or about revival. I also assume as I peruse my personal library I could add a few to this list that I overlooked.