The wonderful album by M83, Hurry Up, We're Dreaming, is only $3.99 as of today (22 tracks!). The first two videos from the album are intense visions about children with powers in dystopian society. Watch the first two videos in order: "Midnight City" and "Reunion." Pretty cool.
John Piper on Vision
A helpful word from John Piper about reminding our churches what we already know, over and over again. Andy Stanley's book, Making Vision Stick, is helpful on this point. And I'm still bad at it!
Books on Revival
Here's a list of books I own on revival that I'll be using in one way or another for my current sermon series Revival: Longing for a Surprising Work of God.
I tried to list them in the order of how much I expect to use (or depend on) each one for this series. I'm referencing a number of other things as well (articles, audio, websites) but this list is for books alone.
UPDATE 2.8.11: I added some new books at the bottom, and a few comments in parentheses where I have something to say, so far.
- Revival | Martyn Lloyd-Jones (classic)
- A God-Sized Vision | Collin Hansen & John Woodbridge (so good, fun read)
- Revival Year Sermons | C.H. Spurgeon (great, moving)
- Lectures on Revival | WB Sprague (helpful)
- The Power of Prayer: The New York Revival of 1858 | Samuel Prime
- The Works of Jonathan Edwards (2 Vols)
- The Puritans: Their Origins & Successors | D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
- Puritan Papers (first 3 vols) | J.I. Packer & M. Lloyd Jones
- Revival & Revivalism | Iain Murray
- Pentecost Today? | Iain Murray (really helpful & corrective on revival mistakes)
- Preparing Your Church for Revival | TM Moore
- Praying for Revival | Eric Hayden (just ok, like a Bible devotional on revival)
- Thoughts on Religious Experience | Archibald Alexander
- Salvation In Full Color | Richard Owen Roberts
- Repentance | Richard Owen Roberts
- Give Him No Rest | Erroll Hulse (lots of great stuff, inspiring truths, quotes)
- Jonathan Edwards: A Life | George Marsden
- A God Entranced Vision of All Things | John Piper & Justin Taylor
- Jonathan Edwards | Stephen J. Nichols
- Revival Praying & Revival God's Way | Leonard Ravenhill
- Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire | Jim Cymbala
- Come Down, Lord! | Roger Ellsworth (I finally located it today!)
Additions as of 1/20/2011...
- The Puritan Hope: Revival & the Interpretation of Prophecy | Iain Murray
- The Revived Puritan: The Spirituality of George Whitefield | Ed. Michael Haykin
Additions as of 2/8/2011...
- Revival | Brian Edwards (highly recommended by others, amazing so far, fav so far)
- Lectures on Revival. By Ministers of the Church of Scotland | Richard Owen Roberts, ed
- Scotland Saw His Glory | Richard Owen Roberts
- The Turn of the Tide | W. Vernon Higham
I'd love to hear your suggestions for other books on revivals or about revival. I also assume as I peruse my personal library I could add a few to this list that I overlooked.