Phriday is for Photos | Sarah is a Superhero
Sarah and I were walking out of Java Planet yesterday just after a storm passed and I asked her to do that one superhero thing she does. If she aims it at you, you die. Beware. Actually, just after I took this a double rainbow showed up and I didn't take a picture. I was too busy wondering what it meant. See more of my photography.
Phriday is for Photos | 9.23.11
My daughter at her locker down a hallway at Woodstock North High School. Taken with my HTC EVO & post-processed with Picnik. See all of my photography, including the 10 most liked photos in my stream.
First Day of School 2006-2011
Phriday is for Photos | Gospel Coalition
We Have A Fever...
Phriday is for Photos 11.26.10
Danny in a waiting room while Molly was getting an MRI. It was on the 2nd floor overlooking a bunch of people working out at a sports medicine facility & gym. | My photography.
Coming Attractions 11.18.10
Here are a few things in the works...
1. Ads: You can see that I'm gearing up for some advertising on the right sidebar. I've thought about it for a long time & had some advertisers express some interest. I'm going to give it a go. It would be financially helpful for my family during tight times. If you are interested, click on an "Advertise Here" link.
2. Links: I also want to add that whenever you see a link of mine to a book or music on Amazon with the Reformissiona-20 tag on it, that means I get a small cut for recommending it. It adds nothing to your cost. It's the same as if you went straight to Amazon. Essentially by buying products with my link you get same good price and help supply my book budget. I have no other book budget than this. Thanks for supporting it. And I work very hard not to just point you to anything in the hope of making some cash. I skip over recommending many deals that I don't personally want to recommended.
3. Reviews: I have reviews coming on Tim Keller's new book, Generous Justice, and Jim Elliff's reworking of Pursuing God. Both are great. Hope to get to both very soon.
4. Writing Projects: I have several blog articles in the works that have been fermenting for a while and that I'm excited about. I want to get a regular schedule for posting articles in the next couple of weeks. Look for that. I'm saying it publicly so I feel guilty if I don't get it started. :)
5. Phriday is for Photos: I haven't been very active in photography lately, but I'm also planning on getting it kicking again.
6. Molly: I know it doesn't seem like a very cool "coming attraction," but expect more soon about my wife's battle with Chiari I Malformation. The blog has helped her to connect and minister to many women who are suffering the same things and scared.
7. Tim Keller Resources: It's been a while since I seriously worked on my TK Resource page. Without doing anything a few things there look broken. I hope to get it back in shape for your resourcing pleasure.
Fotoweek D.C. 2010
A great little video on Fotoweek D.C. 2010. I love photography even more because of stuff like this.
Phriday is for Photos
Phriday is for Photos 10.22.10
This was a favorite playground ride as a kid. It's existed a lot longer than me, and now my kids get to play on it. That's Elijah in the first photo. While you can photoshop blur into a picture, this is just as it was taken. I was riding the other side and my camera was moving at the same speed & direction as E's head while the rest of him wasn't. Pretty cool. The second pic from left to right is Sarah (13 1/2), Daniel (7 1/2), Jack (12) and Elijah (10). See all my photography.
First Day of School 2006-2010
After the Blackhawks Parade
Phriday is for Photos 4.16.10
Lots-o-Links 3.16.10
Tullian Tchividjian: Counterfeit Gospels
The good news of the gospel is that both inside and outside the church, there is only One Savior and Lord, namely Jesus. And he came, not to angrily strip away our freedom, but to affectionately strip away our slavery to lesser things so that we might become truly free!
Jeff Vanderstelt: Gospel Hospitality, Gospel Hospitality In Our Neighborhood
As I was just talking to Jayne about this she said many people are willing to do the basics of hospitality, but shut down once it gets difficult and messy. It is at this point, where the Gospel gives us strength to continue AND where the opportunities to give a reason for our hope (1 Peter 3:15) open up because most people (believer and unbeliever alike) know how to be “good neighbors”, however, very few are willing to “suffer” (if we can call it that) for the sake of others.
We have found that the mess and the difficulty of loving hospitality done in the power of the Gospel is one of the most powerful witnesses we’ve had to our neighborhood.
Drew Goodmanson quoting Francis Schaeffer (from sermon)
Don't start with a big program. Don't suddenly think you can add to your church budget and begin. Start personally and start in your home. I dare you. I dare you in the name of Jesus Christ. Do what I am going to suggest. Begin by opening your home for community...
How many times in the past year have you risked having a drunk vomit on your carpeted floor? How in the world, then, can you talk about compassion and about community--about the church's job in the inner city?
Tim Chester reviews ReJesus by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch
Joe Thorn: Do You Love the Law?
But here's the rub: we can only love the law after it has been fulfilled by Christ on our behalf. The law will only be a delight to us after we have found life by the gospel.
A photo of my wife made the local paper. A photo of our son, Daniel (from a few years back), made a golf website by my SIU golf team buddy, Steve Keeler:
Lifehacker: Create your own QR-Code, like this one for my Tim Keller Resources...
Phriday is for Photos 3.12.10
Coming Attractions 3.11.10
>< Starting to read Introverts in the Church by Adam McHugh soon. So much good buzz out there on this book. I've needed a book like this for years, and now it's here. From the introduction...
My hope is that, through this book, God will begin or continue a process of healing introverts--helping them find freedom in their identities and confidence to live their faith in ways that feel natural and life-giving, the way that God intended.
>< I'm still working on a review for Holy Ground: Walking with Jesus as a Former Catholic by Chris Castaldo. I really like it. If you are doing outreach to Catholics or have Catholic family and/or friends (that's pretty much all of us), I recommend this book.
>< Phriday is for Photos tomorrow. Some of the photos from the photography project for 5th grade art are up at the school and I snapped a couple of pics. Proud of these kids.
>< The last few days have been an explosion in good, new music. Looking forward to a few great recommendations on Monday.
>< New Lots-o-Links post middle of next week or so.
>< I'm planning to put a post up next week on resources I've been using to study and understand Catholicism.
>< Getting a lot of ideas for posts on both evangelism and discipleship. Hope to start getting to those next week.
>< April is coming up fast, which means National Poetry Month comes once again to Reformissionary. Can't wait!
Phriday is for Photos 2.26.10
The 5th graders at Mary Endres Elementary School have just about finished up their digital photography project with me. Most photos have been taken. They are working on cropping them and printing them. Then they will be displayed at the school. Hopefully I can get a couple to post here, and I'll get a photo of them when they are on display. For now, here are a couple more of my photos from my time wandering the halls with them. Check out the rest of my photography.

Phriday is for Photos 2.19.10
I've been helping 5th graders learn photography at our local elementary school. The project has been to find and photograph geometric shapes. Here are a few of the ones I've captured as I've been guiding the kids along. Find all my photos for this project and all my photography at Flickr.

Coming Attractions...
- Gospel-Centred Life - See reviews for GC Church and GC Family
- Holy Ground: Walking With Jesus As A Former Catholic
Other upcoming posts...
- On the Verge - a handful of posts on the 2010 Verge Conference: stuff on the social media team, Soma workshops, the work of the Holy Spirit in my life at/through Verge and more. I'm am still processing so much. I've never had this sort of conference reaction before. God is good. See all my Verge10 posts.
- Post-sermon thoughts on the gospel
- Lots-o-Links
- Phriday is for Photos - it's been too long and too infrequent