
10 Creative Rituals

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Thought-provoking ideas about how to sustain creativity: "10 Creative Rituals You Should Steal." I've listed them and given you one in full so you get the idea. But you should check out the whole article

  1. Take a Quarterly Vacation
  2. Hold a “Retrospective” After Projects
  3. Write Every Day
  4. Create an “Interesting People Fund”
  5. Keep “Tear Sheets” to Get Inspired
  6. Nap Every Day
  7. Envision What You Will Be Remembered For
  8. Brainstorm at the Bar
  9. Get Out of the Building
  10. Engage in “Morphological Synthesis” 

One full example from #9 "Get Out of the Building"...

Radio host Garrison Keillor makes sure to get into the “observable world”:

I don’t think that one should sit and look at a blank page. The way around it is to walk around with scrap paper and to take notes, and simply to take notes on the observable world around you. If you walk into this room and see these great columns and think this was once a savings bank, you could put those two things together, and make some notes here – that would be the start of something.

I think everything – everything – starts with the observable world, and even though you may cut that out of your final go, nonetheless I think this is where it always starts, and with overheard conversations. There are a lot of conversations here that could be overheard, and you’re probably more likely to get them in the back of the room.

Suburban Boredom Generates Dramatic Excitement

...the pop-culture view that the suburbs are the place where the American Dream goes to die has an amusing flip side: That culture owes a huge amount of its inspirational vitality to hating the very place where many of its artists grew up and its audience lives. As both these movies and so many other novels, films, TV shows, music and plays over the years have proved, there’s nothing like suburban boredom to generate dramatic excitement.

From "How the Boredom of Suburbia Paves the Way to Creativity"

Mako Fujimura | Top 5 Books on Creativity


I love Makoto Fujimura's art and reading his thoughts on art, in his book Refractions and elsewhere. Mako lists and gives some comment on his five favorite books on creativity at Christianity Today. Read his comments each book there, but here's his list...

Cheap Kindle Books 10.9.12


  • Practicing Affirmation by Sam Crabtree ($3.03)
  • The Enemy Within by Kris Lundgaard ($2.99)
  • Politics According to the Bible: A Comprehensive Resource for Understanding Modern Political Issues in Light of Scripture by Wayne Grudem ($4.99)
  • When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor...and Yourself by Fikkert and Corbett (forward by David Platt) ($2.99)
  • The Doctrines of Grace by Boyce & Ryken ($4.99)
  • With: A Practical Guide to Informal Mentoring by Alvin Reid ($3.99)
  • Create: Stop Making Excuses & Start Making Stuff ($2.99)
  • Amazing Grace: God's Pursuit, Our Response by Timothy George ($3.03)

Don't Miss The Art You Missed


Was pointed to a new podcast that I am thoroughly enjoying. It's called The Art You Missed. From the website...

The Art You Missed explores, freely and with an open mind, acts of creation that are in danger of being overlooked amidst the ever-widening stream of the world’s new art... 

The Art You Missed embraces the artistic impulse and adds this premise: all art is forever new...

The Art You Missed is not merely an academic or historical exercise, but is rather an active meditation on the permanent revolutionary impulse at the core of art...

The hosts, Samuel Melden and Fritz Byers, talk music, poetry, and various other kinds of art. 

If you like the podcast, and I think you will, check out their Kickstarter Campaign. Also follow and "like" them out on Twitter and Facebook.