My wife made me aware of this. Not new. Still relevant. Not secular. Funny! I laughed pretty hard at this. Enjoy and happy Friday!
Do You Really Need Another Moleskine?
Swifting With Ryu
My favorite update of this Taylor Swift "Swifting" video yet. So great. (Thanks to Max who commented with this link.)
Taylor Swift is a fine studio singer, but I think she tries too hard live. Here's an example from the Grammys tonight. My kids have decided any head-banging like this will now be known as "Swifting." So ridiculous it's awesome...
John MacArthur - One Second of Priceless
My goodness this is funny. This is a 13 second video of a woman talking on CNN. In the last second or two John MacArthur (another guest) looks at the camera. So great.
Thanks to DJ for the GIF.
You Too Can Imagine Dragons
These Touchdowns Are Making Me Thirsty
If you like your sports news with a Seinfeldian flavor, here you go. My favorite part starts 3:30 in with the Bears/Bengals recap.
Back To School Fool
My brother, Scott McCoy, took a "Back To School" photo that has gotten some buzz and was actually interviewed by CNN. It's not my sense of humor, but it's exactly what I would expect from Scott. And it's a well-executed. CNN/HLN is supposed to run it soon, maybe on a morning show. Pretty cool.
I Really Don't Want To Be Here
You ever have to pretend you are happy to be somewhere you don't want to be? Tyler Hansbrough apparently doesn't have a game face, and doesn't want to be playing basketball in Toronto...
Independence Day
Maybe the most important thing ever said about Independence Day... ;)
The Parent You Imagined You Would Be
Fiscal Cliff Clavin
Encouragement For You, On Joe Thorn's Birthday
Dangerous Bearded Men
Everyone needs to be careful of the Kool-Aid Joe Thorn and others are trying to get you to drink over growing beards. Bearded men are dangerous!!! :) Second video is the best.
Jesus Visits the Broncos Locker Room
Jesus: "Read the playbook, alright? Do you read that?"
Tebow: "The Holy Bible is my playbook."
Jesus: "Oh. Ok. Great. That's great. That's great. But, uh, you need to read the regular playbook, ok? Seriously, I'm doin' all the work here."